Jon and I slept for a few hours after our wedding (and after our first attempt at babymaking!), then he went off to pursue some new guitar gigs Tuesday evening, and I went out collecting.
After all, if we're going to start a family, we need money (at the very least, we need to furnish a nursery!), and Jon--having been fired by his band, Mercy Hellhole--is having to scramble to find some income-producing work.
I got lucky, and found a rare butterfly, and went to the Science Facility to sell it for top dollar.

Wednesday morning, I convinced my husband to go to the Sunflower Spa to get a makeover. (He had teased me into going there to get an "eyebrow makeover", so fair is fair!)
I told Jon that, if he was trying to make a solo music career, he should get rid of the long gray ponytail. I think his new look is much better!

Jon starting spinning wants to learn new compositions,

so I encouraged him just to practice and to leave all household details to me.
I used up a lot of my remaining Lifetime Happiness points purchasing rewards that I thought would help me be a good housewife and mother--Speedy Cleaner,

Steel Bladder (this one really helps in pregnancy!),

and Fast Learner (in case I have to learn new skills to pass them on to my children).

I still had quite a few points left over, but couldn't think of anything to spend them on at this point. For one thing, I sure don't need the fertility reward!

My pregnancy was not difficult, and I padded around the house happily cleaning, tending my garden, and preparing dishes to leave in the fridge for Jon so that he could eat good meals whenever his difficult schedule allowed.
By mid-morning on Friday I was getting restless so--though I was already quite large--I went out fishing, which I figured would relax me. Just after changing bait, I realized I had better get to the hospital quickly!

While on the way, in a cab I'd managed to flag down, I left a message for Jon on his cellphone.

He immediately rushed to meet me at the hospital--he's so good!

The delivery wasn't bad at all and, even it it had been, our new little Gregory would have been worth it!

His two traits--Genius and Friendly--are not traits that either Jon or I have.

After only a short time at the hospital, Jon and I headed home in a cab with our new son. (Jon had to sign an autograph for a fan, so that held us up a bit.)

We were all home by early afternoon, and I fed Gregory,

then handed him to Jon, who played with him while I closed all the windows in the newly furnished nursery, so that Gregory wouldn't get a chill while he was napping.

So far, Gregory's a good sleeper--I hope that continues!

NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Join us next time, as Jon works hard to re-establish himself in music, and he and Grace
might be expecting again....